English Solved MCQs
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English MCQs Part-04
61. Synonym of sacrosanct is __?
A. Prayer
B. violent
C. sacred
D. Loud
62. Synonym of reverie is __?
A. Daydream
B. Palimpsest
C. Curio
D. None of these
63. Synonym of Sumptuous is _?
A. delirious
B. Gorgeous
C. luxurious
D. Hit
64. Synonym of jovial is __?
A. Merry
B. Dizzy
C. sleepy
D. revolting
65. Synonym of predict is __?
A. foretell
B. Prevent
C. Discover
D. None of these
66. The Alphabets others then (a e i o u) are called __?
A. Vowels
B. Consonants
C. Phrase
D. None of these
67. synonym of ” Zest” is _?
A. disappointed
B. discourage
C. enthusiasm
D. hope
68. Synonym of ‘Abasement’ is __?
A. incurrence
B. taxation
C. humility
D. humiliation
69. _______makes the mare go.
A. Gold
B. Silver
C. Money
D. Copper
70. The Romans __ to Britain in 54 BC.
A. Comed
B. Came
C. Had come
D. None of these
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- Pak Study MCQs Test Series
- Math’s MCQs Test Series
71. One who praise oneself is called __?
A. Fascist
B. Nazist
C. Narcissist
D. None of These
72. Synonym of Decade is __?
A. Erra.
B. Period of 10 years.
C. Period
D. Years
73. Synonym of “Acute” is _?
A. Not serious
B. Chronic
C. Obtuse
D. Extremely severe
74. Synonym of “Mutable” is __?
A. Constant
B. Not changeable
C. Changeable
D. Pleasant
75. Synonym of Bashful is __?
A. Easily noticed
B. Easily embarrassed
C. Fruitful
D. Annoying
76. Synonym of “Unsullied” is __?
A. Spoiled
B. Ill-natured
C. Not spoiled
D. Stained
77. I eat mangoes.
A. Mangoes are ate by me.
B. Mangoes is eaten by me.
C. Mangoes are eaten by me.
D. Mangoes has eaten by me.
78. The U.N.O is the forlorn hope for world peace . ‘Forlorn hope’ means: _?
A. Desperate enterprise
B. False hope
C. Good initative
D. None of these
79. For this act of indifference he will be taken to task by the authority; here taken to task means:
A. Rewarded
B. Tender his resignation
C. Entrusted with an official job.
D. Get an official reprimand
80. Idiomatic phrase ‘a month of Sundays’ means: _?
A. no time
B. a long time
C. a special Sunday
D. a short period
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