Upper Division Clerk UDC Past Paper
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Upper Division Clerk UDC Solved Past Paper
13 July 2024
Who was the commanders of the Infidels in the Battle of Uhud?
- Abu Sufyan ✅
- Abu Jahal
- Shaiba
- Khalid bin Walid
- None of these
Prophet Muhammed (PBHU) performed a total of ______ Umrahs.
- Two
- One
- Four ✅
- None of these
The comb was invented by Prophet?
- Ibrahim (AS) ✅
- Daud (AS)
- Nuh (AS)
- Sulaiman (AS)
Karakorum highway in Pakistan starts from ______?
- Islamabad
- Taxila
- Hassan Abdal ✅
- None
Sukkur Multan motorway is known as _____?
- M2
- M3
- M4
- M5 ✅
Following proper document handling procedures as a UDC cashier includes _______?
- Leaving cash drawer receipts unattended during breaks.
- Writing personal notes directly on customer receipts.
- Organizing and filing customer receipts according to established procedures. ✅
- Discarding outdated receipts without following security protocols.
When working on recording and indexing duties, a UDC should strive for _______?
- Completing tasks as quickly as possible without regard for accuracy.
- Maintaining a neutral and objective approach when recording and indexing information. ✅
- Delegating all recording and indexing tasks without reviewing the content.
- Expressing personal opinions and interpretations within recordings and indexes.
You discover an inconsistency during document indexing, such as a missing keyword for a specific topic. The best course of action is to ______?
- Leave the document unindexed as it can still be found by browsing.
- Create a duplicate document with the missing keyword but leave the original uncorrected
- Research and add the missing keyword to the document index ✅
- Delegate the task of correcting the missing keyword to a colleague.
When indexing meeting minutes, a UDC should prioritize?
- Ignoring minor details discussed in the meeting during the indexing process.
- Utilizing complex and obscure keywords that users may not understand.
- Selecting relevant keywords that accurately reflect the meeting topics. ✅
- Limiting the number of keywords used to minimize user confusion.
What is the purpose of preparing arrears statements?
- To list outstanding achievements.
- To create a motivational quote collection.
- To identify and track overdue tasks or payments. ✅
- To provide summaries of completed projects.
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